Preschool Music Activity Song of the Day:
Good Food

When you feel hungry
you want something that’s good
If you want a happy tummy
then eat some good food
Take a big bite of what your body needs
You’re growing big and strong you’ve got muscles to feed
Good Food
feels like magic in your tummy
Good Food
you know it tastes yummy
Good Food
feel your body growing
Now that this food has got your energy flowin’
Every bite that you take helps your body to grow
Strong muscles and bones from head to toe
Riding a bike, climbing on the bars
Eating healthy food makes you run so far
So grab yourself some veggies and some fresh fruit too
It’s time to sit down and eat our yummy food
Bite into an apple and crunch on a carrot
and when you see your friends, be sure that you share it
I run really fast when I eat good food
I can lift up my dad when I eat good food
I can ride my bike and go zoom, zoom, zoom
I can kick a ball way up to the moon