How To Start & Run A Mobile Preschool Music & Movement Program (with $0 to start and $0 overhead)

Learn how to start and run a successful mobile preschool music and movement business with no money to start and no overhead costs. 

I have been running my mobile preschool music and movement program, called The Young Music Company, for over 20 years. It has been an awesome experience that has provi...

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A New Way to Bring Music Into the Classroom

Over the last 30+ years, in my work as a music teacher, I have spent countless hours in preschool classrooms bringing the joy and enrichment of music to children. One thing I have noticed is that early childhood teachers are often reluctant to facilitate their own music times. I believe that there a...

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Top 5 Kids Dance Party Games

Being a dance educator for 12 years I have discovered that kids absolutely love dance parties!  Parents and teachers love them too, but it can be a real struggle to find fun kids dance party games to keep them engaged for a long period of time.

So, I’m here to give you my awesome, top 5 kids da

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FREE Preschool Movement Song!

Here is my song, “Animals on the Move.”


It’s a super popular song in my music classes. The children get to move their bodies like different kinds of animals including a spider, a snake, a dolphin and an elephant.

4 Animals on the Move
Nick Young
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Top 3 Kids Movement Songs from Nick & Jen

Here are Nick & Jen’s Top three kids movement songs! Use these songs in the classroom, home and even in the car to get kids (and parents and teachers) moving and interacting with positive, imaginative, creative songs from Nick the Music man & Jen the Fairy Dancer. Nick & Jen have been bringing the j...

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The Science of Early Childhood Music

Independent Studies Showing The Benefits Of Early Childhood Music Education


The Effect of Early Music Training on Child Cognitive Development



The relationship between participation in a structured music curriculum and cognitive development was studied

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Why Early Childhood Music Education Is Important

Early childhood music education is important, why?

Photo by nilimage/iStock / Getty Images

Music enhances children’s development in the areas of:


  • Self Regulation

  • Academic Performance

  • Social and Emotional Development

  • English Language Development

  • Cognition

  • Physical Developm

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Free Lesson: Riding on a Train Song

I am so excited to share my amazing children’s music program with you. Here is one of my most popular songs: the Riding On A Train Song For Preschoolers.

This is the complete Riding On A Train Song For Preschoolers with training video, song card and step by step instructio...

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Three Best Ideas for Preschool Music

What are some good ideas for preschool music time?


What are the Three Best Ideas for Preschool Music? Preschool music must be interactive. So the best ideas for preschool music are songs and activities where the children take an active and creative part.


Directed mo...

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Music and Language Learning
jelleke-vanooteghem-uNWuSF4WwXc-unsplash (1).jpg

What We Know As Teachers


As early childhood educators we know from experience the benefits of early music experiences for the children that we work with every day. We see the joy and enthusiasm they feel when engaging in interactive music and movement activities. We kno

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Three Tips For Great Preschool Music and Movement

After 27 years of working with preschoolers and music I have discovered the three simple factors needed to create successful music and movement time in the early childhood classroom and I want to share them with you now.

Here are my Three Tips For Great Preschool Music and Movement.


Energy an...

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Why is Music Important in Early Childhood Education?

Music enhances all areas of children’s development including school readiness, academic performance, language development, social/emotional development, gross and fine motor development and phonological awareness.


Research: Musical Experiences Enhance Children Developme...

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Explore Play motion Music



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